tekom - Europe

News from tekom Europe

If you stay on the ball, you will take the lead in expertise. Read about what's going on at tekom.


IC Meeting in January: Welcoming new members and planning

The first initiative committee meeting in 2023 started with new and old faces. We were happy to welcome six new members to the initiative committee this year. After the welcome, we discussed the events and dates for this year: the first assembly of delegates will be held online in March. In our next meeting, we will talk in more detail about the plans the different country organizations have for this year.

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Experts wanted! We are looking for you!

Do you feel like advocating for the interests of technical writers and getting involved with European legislation and monitoring relevant technical trends? Your tasks will include, in particular, monitoring standards in the field of technical communication and exchanging ideas and maintaining contacts with many interesting government and public authority representatives at national and international level. As part of a "Call for Experts", this position has now been officially advertised for the next term of office - 2023 to 2025 - of the Standards Advisory Board. The task of the advisory board is to represent the interests of technical editors from different countries and to give technical communication a unified strong voice. Here's more info and background on this enriching volunteer position.

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tekom Europe Elections 2022 Results

In November and December, the European members elected their delegates for the country organizations. Delegates represent the interests of their country organizations in the assembly of delegates, the highest decision-making body of tekom Europe. The next assembly of delegates takes place in March 2023 as an online event.

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The European Green Deal: How Information for Use Can Help Ensure Products Are Used Sustainably

More durable products that can be repaired, recycled and reused - an important point of the Green Deal that the EU has permanently on its agenda in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. However, the corresponding sustainable use of products can only succeed if the necessary information is provided along with the product and the great importance of usage information is recognized. With the Green Deal, new legal projects are being launched that also refer to usage information. Dr. Gabriela Fleischer from tekom Deutschland e.V. outlines the latest developments in her article.

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tcworld conference 2022 in Stuttgart finally back on site:

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tekom Europe Information-Gathering Meeting Review

tekom Europe Information-Gathering Meeting on the possible Revision of IEC/IEEE 82079-1:2019 Ed.2 – a successful start tekom Europe conducted an interesting Information-Gathering Meeting, hosted by COM&TEC, about the possible Revision of IEC/IEEE 82079-1:2019, the most important standard for Technical Communicators.

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Initiative Committee Meeting in August - Back from Summer Break

After a short summer break, we met again for our initiative committee meeting in August. First, we had some open issues from our last meetings, and we talked about the LinkedIn pages and the upcoming elections. The upcoming tcworld conference was also a topic.

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Initiative Committee Meeting in June

In our June initiative committee meeting we welcomed a new, though for some already familiar, guest: Susanne Lohmüller. She worked at tekom previously, some years ago, and was present at the first foundations of the country organizations. Other topics on the agenda were the upcoming tcworld conference in November, and a brainstorming session concerning the tekom Europe newsletter, the use of the tekom Europe website and the portal ’my tekom’.

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Assembly of Delegates in Venice

The 21st tekom Europe assembly of delegates took place as a hybrid event on June 14 in Venice. The 18 participants who attended on site met on the premises of the University of Venice; seven delegates participated online via zoom. Among the on-site participants were delegates and board members from Switzerland, Hungary, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Italy.

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How do YOU search for existing knowledge? IUNTC Meeting Explores Search Strategies in Technical Communication

Dr Kim Sydow Campbell led the most recent meeting of the International University Network in Technical Communication (IUNTC) on June 14th, 2022. In this meeting, Kim explored this question: “How do YOU search for existing knowledge?” This is an important question for researchers, who need to be sure they have access to the breadth of published research about a topic.

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