tekom - Europe

International University Network in Technical Communication

Organised by the tekom Europe Advisory Board for Professional Development and Training

Your participation in the International University Network inTechnical Communication is free of charge.

To join the IUNTC mailing list, contact Dr Daniela Straub (d.straubdontospamme@gowaway.tekom.de) or
Dr Yvonne Cleary (yvonne.clearydontospamme@gowaway.ul.ie).



That was the first in-person meeting of the academic community

The first in-person meeting of the International Network of Universities in Technical Communication – IUNTC - took place in the late afternoon of May 4 at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany, preceding the European Academic Colloquium (EAC) on May 5.

About 20 people  from all over Europe--university teachers, students and people interested in technical communication-- gathered to discuss important topics about studying and teaching technical communication. It was an excellent opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas, finding project partners and getting to know about the latest trends.

The most important topic was: What does ChatGPT mean for teaching technical communication? 


The IUNTC Program 2023

We are very pleased to announce that there are several meetings of the International University Network in Technical Communication will take place.

For 2023, the IUNTC is once again offering an interesting and varied program on different topics and in different formats, from lectures to presentations of research projects and results, discussion panels with input speeches and much more on methods, research and teaching in technical communication and related fields.

What? Title

Who? Speaker

When?  Date

Digitalisation in technical communication - what else is new? This session will be an interactive conversation for teachers and students: A brief overview of the new ways of working will set the scene.Kai Weber (Semcon)Thursday, 23th of March 4 PM 
 First in-person meeting of the International University Network in Technical Communicatoin (IUNTC) on the day before the European Academic Colloquium: You will have great opportunities for networking, exchanging ideas, finding project partners and getting to know what´s going on.University of Applied Sciences KarlsruheThursday, 4th of May at 4 PM 
AI in academia: balancing benefits and challengesJenni Virtaluoto (University of Jyväskylä); Sissi Closs (Hochschule Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences)Wednesday, 7th of June at 3 PM
Bachelor´s degree in multilingual communication: Introduction of the new curriculum of the specialization Technical Communication and Information DesignBirgit Fuhrmann (ZHAW Applied Linguistics / Winterthur)Thursday, 26th of October at 4 PM
Peek-a-Boo: Providing a Glimpse of Life as a User Assistance Developer at SAPDominik Strauß (SAP SE)Wednesday, 8th of November at 4 PM
T4TEC project: Terminology for Technical Efficient CommunicationTiziana Sicilia (Com&Tec) & Federica Vezzani & Giorgio Maria Di NunzioWednesday, 13th of December at 3 PM
 Indispensable Translators and Technical Writers: Legal Compliance – Product Safety – ImagebuildingAlexander HolsteThursday, 22th of February at 4 PM

The online meetings lasts one hour.

They will be held on zoom - click here to join.

Meeting-ID 534 482 5910

Code 04711

Find detailed information about the online meetings here

Why taking partin the International University Network in Technical Communication

Would you like to join?

Your participation in the International University Network inTechnical Communication is free of charge.

By completing this short survey, you can get in touch with us and you will also help us to make the network relevant to you, whatever stage you are at. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Information about Data Privay and the Conditions of participation

An agenda for your benefit

The purpose of this International University Network in Technical Communication is to support university teachers and staff who already run, or are interested in developing programmes or modules in technical communication: through this network they will be able to exchange experience and ideas for launching or strengthening their programmes, or for research projects.

The network will facilitate online meetings, mentoring partnerships, and research projects and dissemination of university teachers and staff throughout Europe.

We meet regularly, about every 6 to 8 weeks in one-hour online meetings. Anyone who wants to can contribute a topic. We work in different formats: presentations, presentation of research projects and results, discussion rounds with input presentations, exchange of potential project partners, clarification of questions and concerns and much more.

Whoever wants to can actively contribute here or just take part.

The network is also relevant for teachers and staff in related disciplines, such as engineering, language studies, computer science, marketing, and communication studies. 

A working group of the tekom Europe Advisory Board for Professional Development and Training is responsible for running the network and organizing meetings or events. The network was first established as an Advisory Board project in March 2020.

So far, the working group includes universities from more than 30 countries, from Europe and worldwide, including China, Austria, Belgium, China, Czechia, Danmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, the US and other countries. 

You are welcome to join any network meetings that interest you.

Our next network meeting will take place online. If your are interested to join, get in touch with us: d.straub@tekom.de

Why is the network necessary?

Throughout the world, millions of people work in technical communication roles, but the profession is still not very well known. 

Technical communication education is at different stages of development in each European country. 

In many European countries, no academic programmes are offered in technical communication.

The TecCOMFrame project identified ways to increase the number of programmes offered, and developed resources for people who are interested in designing modules or full programmes. This network follows on from that project. 

Benefits for all

Benefits for universities:
Universities involved in this network will be able to create opportunities for students and will attract more visibility and higher participation in technical communication modules and programmes.

Benefits for students:
This network will help universities to develop and offer modules and programmes in technical communication. This is a growing field, with work opportunities for students with interdisciplinary skills, especially skills in languages, media, communication, and technology.

Benefits for industry:
This network will help to meet the recruitment needs of companies operating in the field of technical communication, by training graduates to meet the labour market shortage, and by helping young people seeking job opportunities in technological and innovative contexts.

What is technical communication?

According to the tekom Europe definition, “technical communication is the process of defining, creating and delivering information products for the safe, efficient and effective use of products (technical systems, software, services).”

This video shows a typical working day in the life of a technical writer at a large software company.