Never stop learning
Knowledge equals success. We will provide you with a wide array of opportunities to stay up to date with the latest developments in your technical field.
Lifelong Learning
The "half-life" of knowledge is becoming shorter and shorter. Innovations in technical communication take place swiftly. The fast-changing world of work continually demands newer and higher qualification requirements.
Successful technical writers keep learning throughout their career
Many companies have acknowledged the resource of knowledge as a significant factor in success, reflected in key figures on effectiveness, efficiency and quality. Management employees and those responsible for personnel support keeping specialized knowledge current and thus also support their employees with regard to time and/or financing.
Attending training events or individual measures for lifelong learning ensures keeping your professional knowledge current. This is also required for recertification of those possessing "Technical Communicator (tekom)" certificates.
Technical writers and others active in the field of technical communication, such as technical translators, have several ways to keep up to date:
The most significant worldwide conference in technical communication is the tcworld conference, which takes place together with the international trade fair.
Several thousand participants attend the numerous professional presentations on a variety of topical areas in English and German. tekom Deutschland also organizes a spring conference as well as different international conferences in Europe and Asia, among others. All tekom members receive the reduced conference entrance fee.
Find out more about the next events
With current blog articles, the tekom blog on intelligent information provides information on the newest trends in technical communication. Here, renowned international authors publish their knowledge on innovations in technical communication.
Visit the tekom blog
In "tk", renowned experts and authors provide information on current topics and disseminate their knowledge and experience in a number of German-language professional articles. tekom members receive the professional journal 6 times annually free of cost and can read the articles online without restrictions.
Read the newest professional articles
The English-language e-magazine offers a large readership a broad spectrum of topics with articles by international experts on topics such as software documentation, design, multilingual information development and management topics. It also provides information regularly on news and international events.
tekom regularly publishes current practice-oriented specialized publications and studies. tekom members can obtain these at special prices.
tekom regional groups regularly announce, on the tekom WebPortal, evening events across Germany with presentations on different specialized topics. These are free of cost for tekom members, and those interested in tekom are also welcome.
Various current specialized topics are discussed by well-known experts in technical communication in the webinars, which mostly last one hour. The online presentations are mostly held in English. Members who miss a webinar can call it back up from tekom's webinar library. The webinars are organized with the support of volunteers from across Europe, and are generally free of charge for members.
In particular, service providers for technical communication and private training providers offer – usually for a fee – special seminars and workshops on topics in technical communication.
Many event dates are announced by businesses on the tekom WebPortal.
The bookstore offers a wide selection of German- and English-language specialist literature on technical communication.