tekom - Europe

A Preview of European Events in 2019

Have you added next year’s European conferences to your calendar? Not yet? Then we would like to give you an overview of upcoming events in 2019. Opportunities are opening up: you can apply as a conference speaker for the first time, or visit a conference abroad to see what tech writers are up to around the continent, and by attending a conference you will certainly have the chance to extend your network and learn about the newest industry developments.

Our first stop will be in Vienna on March 21–22 for the tekom-Frühjahrstagung. The main conference topic is “Information between man and machine”. What‘s special this year is that we are celebrating 25 years of tekom Austria and are thus inviting you to an industry meeting with many international guests. For this reason, the program will also include an English track and interactive meetups where you can exchange ideas with your peers.

Next, we go to Amsterdam for Information Energy on April 11–12. During this forward-looking conference, professionals and experts will come together to discuss the relationship between information and technology. The main topic of the conference is “Empowering intelligent technologies – Looking at things that work”. Get new insights on topics like predictive maintenance, Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and AI.

The two-day event COMTecnica will take place in Italy on May 7–8, dealing with challenges in technical communication and current trends in the Italian and international markets.

Are you interested in knowing where User Assistance is heading? Then come and join us for UA Reloaded, taking place in St. Leon-Rot (near Heidelberg) on May 15-16. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in presentations and workshops where international experts will unveil the newest options in User Assistance and “break through to the other side of UA”. These topics are on the agenda: virtual and augmented reality, machine learning/artificial intelligence, usage and user tracking, social networks, and more.

Our next stop is Sofia, Bulgaria for Evolution of TC in June 2019. If you are interested in the newest developments in the software industry and beyond, come and meet a vivid local community and participants from international software companies. You can discover presentations and workshops on video creation, agile methods, user experience and API documentation.

Our last stop will be NORDIC TechKomm in Copenhagen on September 25–26. Speakers and participants from all over Europe will come together to discuss the latest techcomm trends.  In the age of digitalization and Industry 4.0, making smart services and information available to users is crucial. Topics of the conference will consist of options for providing content, augmented reality and localization, along with use cases and structuring methods.

Don't forget, each November is our homecoming. We invite one and all to the tcworld conference in Stuttgart – the largest industry event for technical communication worldwide taking place from November 12–14, 2019.

If you are interested in receiving the latest information about any conference in particular, please sign up for our conference newsletter.

So, what’s on your agenda for 2019? Our calendars are already marked and we would be happy to meet you somewhere in Europe next year.