tekom - Europe

tcworld conference 2020 - day 2

A virtual tcworld conference – what used to be unusual to think about is now in full swing! Also, on the second day of the digital event, a total of around 4,600 seats filled up in specialist presentations, tutorials and meetups. The best-attended lecture, with around 300 participants, was "Language is so important for user interaction" by Birgitta Meex.

Several questions from theory and practice were discussed in detail with experts and colleagues, best practices were shared, and new knowledge was imparted. During networking and exchange, topic chats hummed with activity and, in Café tekom, there were many exciting discussions as well as the annual honorary evening with virtual wine tasting.

The digital exhibition hall was lively, bustling with a total of almost 13,000 interested participants in tool presentations and many personal consultation appointments.

A little preview, with greetings from Lady Luck

In addition to further exciting program items in terms of knowledge transfer and networking, participants in the tcworld conference can also look forward to a raffle with great prizes such as the Bose Frames Rondo, the Instax mini 9 and the Amazon Echo Show 5.

Knowledge bits to go

The experts shared valuable knowledge in their webinars – we have compiled some key statements for you as compact appetizers:

Axel Luther: Sound like a Pro: Wie bekommt mein Video den richtigen Sound

„In multimedialen Formaten reicht es nicht, nur ein perfektes Script zu haben – ein Videoproduzent muss sicher stellen, dass andere Elemente wie visuelle Gestaltung aber eben auch der Soundtrack des Videos eine sehr hohe Qualität aufweisen – gerade aber der Soundtrack wird von vielen (unerfahrenen) Videoproduzenten oft vernachlässigt.“

„Die Wirkung von Videos wird bis zu 80% durch den Sound bewirkt (im positiven, wie im negativen Sinne) – es ist daher sehr wichtig, den Ton eines Videos (Musik und Sprache) so professionell wie möglich zu gestalten.“

Stine Jensen: Let's Talk Terminology – Why Collaborate?

“Terminology should be collaborative because it improves quality (as long as it is maintained)”

“Like in any human relation, talking together is always a good idea.”

Florian Kadelbach / Roland Schmeling: Videoanleitungen neu gemacht

„Text und Sprache in Instruktionsvideos lohnen sich didaktisch. Das bestätigen unsere aktuellen Usability-Tests.“

Gruchmann/Schmeling: Konforme Benutzerinformaton für Medizinprodukte effektiv managen

"Anforderungsgerechte Gebrauchsanweisungen als Teil des Medizinprodukts für den globalen Markt: Das erfordert Umdenken in den Prozessen und im Anforderungsmanagement."

Would you like to visit our virtual conference? You can still register.

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