Bibliographic Information
311 Pages,
2. updated edition (translated from the German ed. 2016) 2018
ISBN 978-3-944449-91-3 (Softcover)
311 Pages,
2. updated edition (translated from the German ed. 2016) 2018
ISBN 978-3-944449-92-0 (E-Book PDF)
Successful Terminology Management in Companies
Author(s): Schmitz, Straub
Publishing Company: tcworld GmbH
- Subjects:
- Terminology
- Categories:
- Studies
260,00 € (for Members 170,00 €) Softcover, 311 Pages Status: Available
250,00 € (for Members 160,00 €) E-Book PDF, 311 Pages Delivery time: 2-3 working days Status: Available
385,00 € (for Members 250,00 €) Bundle Softcover & E-Book PDF
Terminology work is a hot subject in many companies. As the results of a representative survey show, two-thirds of respondents deal with terminology management subject matter. Although only 21.2% currently use a terminology management system, 20% of the respondents are about to implement one, and another 27% are addressing questions regarding successful terminology management in the company. This practice-related study compiled by tekom is essential for all those interested in terminology work.
Terminology work is a requirement of globalization. Technical progress has always left its mark on language: for every new invention, new words and terms have to be coined and introduced. What is new here is the increasing pace of technological developments, and the need for new terms. This increases the number of challenges for terminology work, as new terms must be coined at the same pace as the new developments.
In this study, you will learn more about:
- The fundamentals of terminology
- Practical terminology work in companies
- A step-by-step analysis of the costs and benefits
- An empirical analysis of the problems associated with terminology and current terminology work in companies
- A description of all the functionalities of terminology tools
- Use experiences and case studies
- A comparative overview of more than 16 international terminology tools