tekom - Europe
Bibliographic Information

17 x 24 cm, 94 Pages, 1. Edition 2017
ISBN 978-3-944449-58-6 (Softcover)
ISSN 2196-6206

PDF, 94 Pages, 1. Edition 2017
ISBN 978-3-944449-72-2 (E-Book PDF)
ISSN 2196-6206

Proceedings of the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication 2017

Volume 5

Author(s): Girard, Gonzales , Mrochen , St. Amant, Vandepitte , Wang
Publisher: European Association for Technical Communication - tekom Europe e.V.
Publishing Company: tcworld GmbH
  • Year Books & Summarys
  • Proceedings

37,50 € (for Members 25,00 €) Softcover, 94 Pages Status: Available

22,50 € (for Members 15,00 €) E-Book PDF, 94 Pages Delivery time: 2-3 working days Status: Available

48,75 € (for Members 32,50 €) Bundle Softcover & E-Book PDF

Short Description

The fifth European Academic Colloquium (EAC) on Technical Communication took place in Antwerp, Belgium on April 28, 2017. A specific topic of interest that year was Content Strategy, which “plans for the creation, delivery and governance of useful, usable content”, according to Kristina Halvorson, the author of “Content Strategy for the Web” (2012). This volume will keep you up to date on the latest trends in the field.

About the book

Continuing the fruitful mission of previous editions of EAC, the fifth EAC succeeded in bringing together almost 30 scholars from 9 European countries and the USA who share a common interest in the interdisciplinary field of technical communication.

A specific topic of interest that year was Content Strategy. This volume contains five expert contributions, covering a topic range from content analysis and content models through user-centered design and accessibility of content to translation strategies for scientific and technical texts. The reader will discover that both common challenges and creative solutions emerge from very diverse settings.

  • Marie Girard: The Nature of Content: An Organic Approach to Content Strategy
  • Kirk St. Amant: Scripting the Context of Content Strategy: A Script-Theory Approach to User-Centered Design in Content Strategy
  • Laura Gonzales, Sonia Vandepitte: Connecting Technical Communication and Translation Courses: A Path to Successful Content Strategy
  • Caiwen Wang: Translation Strategies for Cultural Contents of Scientific and Technical Texts
  • Izabela Mrochen: To See or Not to See, to Hear or Not to Hear – Accessibility and Usability in Localization