tekom - Europe

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Are you looking for a company in your region that can support you in the field of technical communication? Here you will find the specialists for your business.

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    Company Name City Industry Sector

    • docom 79111 Freiburg, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • Robert Spingys 42117 Wuppertal, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • editorio GmbH 88400 Biberach, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • Dox 48143 Münster, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • Jens-Peter Hahn 22844 Norderstedt, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • Scriptor Dokumentations Service GmbH 33659 Bielefeld, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • CreaTTex 35584 Wetzlar, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • dokuzeller 87724 Ottobeuren, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • ascodo gmbh 89079 Ulm, Germany Other services for technical documentation (including software consulting; data processing services, CE-label and certification: risk analysis, certification)

    • textrio GmbH 90152 Erlangen, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)