tekom - Europe

Registration is open!

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Program and registration are online now!

Better than ever: workshops, meetups, technical presentation, partys... check out now!

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tekom membership

More influence, more opportunities: tekom is the largest professional association for technical communication. We are here to support your professional and commercial success. Here is why you should become also a tekom member. 

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Register now!

tcworld conference 2023 is approaching, program and tickets are online now. We are looking forward to seeing you!

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Career Paths

In technical communication, many career paths can be encountered. Study or further training are the traditional routes into technical writing. But the profession is also perfect for career changers.

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10 Years of tekom Europe!

As tekom's members became increasingly international, longing for an international association, tekom Europe was founded in 2013. The two founding members are tekom Deutschland and COM&TEC Italy.

tekom Deutschland and COM&TEC Italy agreed to take the step of creating a European organization in order to have greater representation and develop locally, via national communities, to bring together and represent technical communicators.

The two founding and corporate members and country organizations set the beginning in motion: Germany, Italy, Austria, Romania, Turkey, and France.


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10/07/23, Say what now?

Evaluating the readability of patient-facing documents

Using a medical device as a non-medical professional is often stressful; whether you have to inject yourself with insulin because your blood sugar is off, take a sick child's temperature or perform dialysis during a break, stress is a factor. This stress only increases if you're unsure about what exactly you need to do.

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Machinery Regulation Published

New Machinery Regulation published

On June 29, 2023, REGULATION (EU) 2023/1230 on machinery was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Here are the key points with regard to technical communication.


The scope of the Machinery Regulation remains almost the same compared to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, except for changes in two definitions:

→ "safety components"

→ "partly completed machinery"


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Country Organizations

tekom on site: networks, exchanging and providing information and more. Get to know our country organizations.

Become a Member

We’d love to welcome you to team tekom! Find out about the benefits, privileges, and opportunities that membership can offer.


Never stop reading! Magazines, specialist books, e-books and more.

tekom Certification

Get started with the tekom certificate – the recognized proof of your qualifications.


See an overview of our diverse range of conferences.

University Network in TC

Join the  International University Network in Technical Communication (IUNTC) now: The network will facilitate online meetings, mentoring partnerships, and research projects and dissemination of university teachers and staff throughout Europe. Learn more and read the summaries of the previos online meetings. 

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Webinars support our members and interested persons in their professional development. They deliver the same high-quality content as our on-site events, with the convenience of being easily accessible online to technical writers across the globe. Speakers are subject matter experts, and the level ranges from beginner to expert.


Information targeting your interests: trainings, publications, events... 


'technical communication' on the Internet - refresh your knowledge now!


We make sure you are seen!

Intelligent Information Blog

Facts, ideas and opinions about intelligent information, industry 4.0, digitisation, the Internet of Things (IoT) and other exciting future topics.

Technical Communication - The Subject

From its definition and traditional topics such as terminology and standards right through to pioneering intelligent information and Industry 4.0 – dive into the exciting field of technical communication.

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Technical Writing - The Profession

What skills do you need as a technical writer? We will provide you with clear information on every aspect of the diverse professional field of technical communication.

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tekom - The Association

We are the world’s largest professional association for technical communication, with approximately 9,500 members, many committed volunteers, competent contacts, and big goals. Get to know the faces, motives, and structures of tekom.

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